Hello All,

I am trying to automate a huge part of my morning by creating a macro that will send out individual emails to people listed within a report that I export into excel daily. On any given day there can be anywhere between 10 to 30 rows so its a lot of emails that need to go out.

There will need to be one email per row that goes out to the emails listed in columns D:G. Column G will always have the same email while the emails in column D:F may be different depending on the file. In addition, column H has a formula that pulls information based on columns B:C. So, the only static fields that will always be the same regardless of the row are G and I.

I have attached an excel file below to give you an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish with a snapshot of the email as well.

Email Template.xlsx

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!