Hi All,

Just wondering if I could get some suggestions as to how to automate what I am trying to do here, preferebly without using Macros. Based on a list of assets and assuming two shifts (Day and Night), on a seperate sheet I would like to generate a list for data entry to be made. This will be done on a new sheet on a month by month basis and thus I would also like the sheet to generate the list for the entirity of the month, which will vary based on the number of days in said month, which I wish it to determine from the start of month date that is entered at the top of the sheet. Please see my attached example which I have started manually enterring. I wish to do this for the entirity of the month. As Asset ID's will often change month to month, as well as the length of the month, this can be a tedious task and Im not happy that a simple copy and paste will do between months.

Any help is much appreciated and I hope this isnt too confusing.

Thankyou in advance,


Example One.xlsx