I have a workbook containing a Plan worksheet and Branch worksheet that are exactly the same. The worksheets are formatted with color to indicate where users can make edits: ColorIndex 19 (yellow) for the editable cells, ColorIndex 2 (white) for formulas that they should not change. The users will make edits on the Plan worksheet then copy it to the Branch worksheet, pasting values in the yellow cells and formulas in the white cells. The user will want to make more changes in the yellow cells on the Branch worksheet, and the formulas must reflect the changes. The selection is range I14:K415, being pasted into I14 on the Branch tab.

The editable cells are not contiguous, so a simple copy/paste values is not feasible without losing the formulas already on the Branch worksheet. A solution was proposed seven years ago at this thread http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...lor-index.html, but I can't make this work. I get Compile errors.

Can anyone help me make this work? I have tried playing around with Dim and Set, but each time I think I've addressed one compile error, another one pops up. I'm still a newbie at VBA.
