Hi, I need a bit of help with creating a macro. Basically, I am able to get it to do some of what I need, but not everything. Basically, what I need is the following:

The user completes a purchase record which includes Customer Name, Email, Address, and below are several rows with the various products, sizes, etc that the customer purchased. I have a submit button at the bottom, so the user completes the entry and hits submit, the data from the purchase record is copied over to the new sheet. Here are the issues I'm running into:

1. It will only copy the first row of the product information, it is possible for there to be up to 15 rows, I'd like the customer information to be copied, with each row of product information.
2. The purchase order is not clearing, I would like it to clear the purchase record tab upon the user hitting submit

Here is my code as well:

Dim refTable As Variant, trans As Variant
refTable = Array("A = B4", "B = B5", "C = J5", "D = A8", "E = B8", "F = C8", "G = D8", "H = E8", "I = F8", "J = G8", "K = H8", "L = I8", "M = J8", "N = K8")
Dim Row As Long
Row = Worksheets("Customer List").UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
For Each trans In refTable
Dim Dest As String, Field As String
Dest = Trim(Left(trans, InStr(1, trans, "=") - 1)) & Row
Field = Trim(Right(trans, Len(trans) - InStr(1, trans, "=")))
Worksheets("Customer List").Range(Dest).Value = Worksheets("Order Entry").Range(Field).Value
End SubTOE Shirt Sales 08.05.14.xlsm

Additional notes, I would like it to skip rows where column A is blank when moving it to the new sheet. Attached is my workbook for a better understanding of what I'm looking to do. I've made an example on the Customer List tab (in green).

Thank you in advance for your assistance