I've seen threads on this before, however apparently Macros have to be written differently in Excel 2013, because I can't get anything I found to work. Below is a description of what I need:

Is there a way to automatically reflect the changes done to existing List members in the cells that are data-validated against the List?

I have a couple Lists setup and if I add new entries, the drop downs in the data validated cells already show the updated members. However if I have selected an entry from the drop down and later I go and change the entry text in the drop down I still see the old value in the cells.

E.g. I select "John Doe" from a Resources list and at some point I change that entry for "Jane Doe". How would I make sure that all previously selected "John Doe"s are changed to "Jane Doe".

I read an incomplete answer somewhere that suggested not modifying or deleting List entries directly but from some sort of script. Does anybody have an example for doing this?

The name of my data range source is "Process_variable" and is on a sheet titled "Data".

The name of the sheet I will have the dropdowns on is "Sheet 1".

Any help is greatly appreciated.