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attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/addin

  1. #1
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    attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/addin

    Hi All,

    I am seeking code sample or tips to help with the following:

    Workbook 1 contains a organization and email addresses for the organization.
    Organization Email address
    0170 [email protected]
    0171 [email protected]

    Workbook2 contains a separate worksheet (worksheet name would be 0170, 0171 etc) for each organization and I have a folder on my desktop that contains files (file names would be 0170.xls, 0171.xls, etc) for each organization.

    What I am trying to do is send an email to each address in workbook 1 that contains the worksheet or file for that organization - file name or worksheet name matches the org name in workbook 1.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor ranman256's Avatar
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    Re: attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/a

    Try this...
    youd have to tweek the code to add your folders and subject, body.

    Put this in a module in the workbook1 with the emails list.
    Add a button to the screen to run the macro: SendXlEmails

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  3. #3
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    Re: attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/a

    Dear Ranman256,

    I have attached my two excel workbook. In "email" workbook I have recipients name to whom I want to email and in "Data to email" I have many worksheets in the same order as per "email" workbook. Please guide me how to email "0001" worksheet to "[email protected]" ; "0008" worksheet to "[email protected]" in one command.

    I have run your module in my "email" workbook but not able to get the result.
    I can convert/split all the worksheets into workbook with the same name.

    Please help.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor ranman256's Avatar
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    Re: attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/a

    I cannot attach the workbook for some reason. Send me an email address to send it to.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor ranman256's Avatar
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    Re: attach different worksheet and email them tdifferent email address through macro/vba/a


    working macro.

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