So I need a simple user log to go with my workbook. I have found two how to videos on youtube that are instructive but they are a bit too complicated I think for what I need. So I am hoping someone here can help. For those of you wondering what videos I found they are:

Excel Userform Login - MultiLevel User Login by Trevor Easton


Attendance Login Logout UserForm using Excel VBA by Dinesh Kumar Takyar

The problem with the Trevor video is that I don't need to validate the user. I just want to the user to input their name and their employee ID and have excel date and time stamp the action placing the information on Sheet5. The problem with the Dinesh video is, again, I don't need to validate a user and I don't want to have the code referring to another external workbook.

So with all this said, I want the workbook to operate as follows. When a user opens the spreadsheet, I want all sheets hidden except for Sheet1 which will contain instructions how to conduct the review and associated definitions to the worksheet. I want a login button on this sheet. When a user click on this button to begin work, a userform appears prompting the user for their full name and employee ID. I will have a message under these field that says something to the effect "I understand the instructions. I am ready to begin work". When the user clicks on the Start button, the user's full name and employee ID with a date and time stamp is automatically populated on Sheet5. Furthermore I want to unhide Sheets 3 & 4 with Sheet 4 & 5 remaining hidden. However, when the user "admin" with employee ID "u0000000" effectively logs in, I want to unhide all sheets. The above ideas came from the Trevor video.

Lastly when the user goes to exit the workbook, I want a userform to reappear prompting them to log off. I got this idea from the Dinesh video. When a users ends the review aka logs off, I want to date and time stamping the action on Sheet5 and automatically save the sheet to the last known save location.

FYI... uNID is our employee id acronym. This will need some data validation. A uNID starts with the letter u and then has 7 digits.

I have attached a mockup of this workbook. Any help with the VBA coding would be greatly appreciated!

