
I've built a userform which is a complex ratings calculator for my work. There are many ("many") variables to the calculator which effect the output value it produces. Due to this I've had to create several textboxes which calculate different stages/aspects of the overall calculation (these are all hidden from the user) and then there is a final "total" textbox which adds up all these different textboxes (not hidden).

My problem is that due to the complexities of the calculation and the amount of variables involved, I can't expect the user to just except the total output value, and I believe they would want to check some of the different stages of the calculation. I don't really want to just make a commandbutton which when selected makes certain textboxes visible again because there isn't a lot of room in the userform (I've sort of shoved these calculation texboxes underneath frames in the userform), but mainly fitting them all in would look extremely messy.

Ideally I would want a commandbutton which when selected would open a new userform which can then extract the data from the hidden textboxes from the original userform.

So first of all can this be done?

If so, then for example purposes assume there userform1 and userform2 each with textbox1. and userform1 has a command button which when selected shows userform 2 (easy part) with a textbox1 value the same as the value in textbox1 from userform1.

Many Thanks,