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macros for automatization of crosstab

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    macros for automatization of crosstab

    Please help me solve this problem about automatic description of crosstabs results.
    For example, this one of result crosstab, calculated in SPSS software
    I attached.
    Automatization must follow the next pattern of description ,according to the principle:
    Initially we describe the largest number. In this instance: 11 people (information taken from the cell E6), which belong to the second group , on the first question (it first, cause there is digit 1 standing in this column I) gave the answer 1, middle number of people, namely 4 answered 2 and 3 respectively (cause we have the same number of people who have put a different answer, sometimes it happens)
    After that, macros will describe the first group large, middle ,minimum,by similar way: at the same time in first group:9 people answered 3, and so on/
    Of cause I don’t know how, but macros must see ,what digit maybe large and what middle ,and what minimum
    It’s necessarily that After each describing of tables macros should specify that differences are stat.significally and these data (chi-square = 16.557, p ≤ 0.05), taken from the corresponding cell
    Well, after describing a first table macros begins describe to the next.
    In practice it must be so
    (introduction words )in the study of the relationship between several quality characteristics we discover that :
    the largest number of people which belong to second group, namely 11 people on first question answered 1, middle number of people , namely 4 answered 2 and 3 respectively! At the same time(introduction words), the largest number of those who belong to the first group namely 9 people on the first question answered 3 and so on. These differences were statistically significant (chi-square = 16.557 , p ≤ 0.05)

    italics is introductory words which must be written in structure of macros
    the bold type is information which we see in our tables

    in fact, my colleagues and I often deal with qualitative variables, such as people, and we can work with hundreds of similar or much more complex tables, and we spend a lot of precious time on their description, it is a routine work which must be made easier to avoid wasting time.
    Please help.
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