
I am working on creating a simple Excel Spreadsheet for an Engineering Tool Room Inventory for work. One of the features of the Excel Spreadsheet is that when a user changes information in one cell (Using a drop down list - Data Validation) the corresponding cells will record the date the cell was modified along with the name of the user who did those changes. Currently I am using some VBA code to make this feature work.

The VBA code works fine and functions but what I would like to do is only have the date and username recorded when a word is selected from the drop down list in the cell.
If any other word has been selected in the cell, then I would not like to have the date or username recorded.

So to explain what I am trying to do, I have tried to explain it as a step-by-step process:
1. User clicks on the cell and picks an option from a list. (The list is generated using Data Validation)
2. If the user selects 'Outstanding', then the cell will go RED (Condition Formatting), and the corresponding cells WILL NOT record the date and the username.
3. If the user selects 'Solved', then the cell will go GREEN, and the corresponding cells WILL record the date and the username.

Current Solution:
Currently whats happens:
1. User clicks on the cell and picks an option from a list. (This list is generated using Data Validation)
2. Any changes made to the cell, the corresponding cells will record the date the cell was changed along with the name of user.

Currently to do the above steps, I have utilised the following Excel VBA Code:

'Function: Inputs a Date Stamp and the Username when data in a cell is altered.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim cell As Range
            For Each cell In Target
            'Process: Changing any cell in column C, creates a date stamp and records the username in the corresponding cells in column D and E.
            With cell
                If .Column = Range("C:C").Column Then
                    Cells(.Row, "D").Value = Int(Now)
                    Cells(.Row, "E").Value = Environ("UserName")
                End If
            End With
        Next cell
    End Sub
I have tried to modify the VBA code but seem to fail.
I know it is just one or two lines but I have not had any luck.
So does anyone else know what I am missing or could guide me in the correct direction?

Currently to do the above function, I have utilised the following Excel VBA Code:
Example - Record Username & Date.xlsm

Thank you in advance.