Trucking Orders Saturday testing 0623 am.xlsm

I have received some help, still having some trouble.

What I am trying to do is copy and save a sheet named "Daily Order" This sheet gathers truck orders (#1 - #10) throughout the day from a user form and at the end of the day I want to save it to a new sheet named the date the orders are for based on a cell with the date entered in the "Daily Order" sheet - in Cell "D11"

I wish the macro to be performed when I select the "Save Daily to new tab & Clear data for next day" button
After the new sheet is saved I wish to clear all data on the "Daily Order" sheet ranges "B2,L11", I then wish to change the cell colors on the "Daily Order" sheet Ranges "A2,L11" back to white.

Data in "A1,A11" must stay !

I do not want to delete the original "Daily Order" sheet as it will be used to gather data for next day's order.

Below is the code I am trying to tweak if it will work. It was sent to me by Ciao Holger

Sub EF1074585_A()
'will create a new sheet with a date as name of a template
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strName As String

Set ws = Sheets("Daily order")
strName = Format(ws.Range("B4").Value, "yyyy_mm_dd")
If Not Evaluate("ISREF('" & strName & "'!A1)") Then
ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
ws.Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = strName
ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End If
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub

As always I appreciate any help solving this very much.