Hello guys I got help from you also generated a part of the code by myself,

I should need help to add a little thing.

I use i= a cell (specified by some criteria)

now I would like to Put the result "myTot" on the same row but in Column T the value

Sub CheckMatch()

For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    If Cells(i, "J") = Cells(i, "K") And Len(Cells(i, "B")) <> 0 And Cells(i, "AB") <> 0 Then

'Dim DivAB As String


'Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
'Cells(i, "B").Select
myCell = Cells(i, "B").Text
mycellSel = Cells(i, "B").Select
mycellRes = myCell - 1
DivAB = Cells(i, "AB").Text

mytot = Round(DivAB / mycellRes)
MsgBox mytot                                     ' Put myTot (result) in Column T same row 

    End If
Next i

End Sub

Could someone help me?

Thank you in advance