I have sheets that are filled with data that changes once per quarter. The data will start in cell E6 but will be in a different ending point. I need to look up the last cell with data by row and column. I have tried and hit a wall. here is the code I have so far.
Sub Reformat_chart()
' Reformat_chart Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R
Dim FirstCell As Range, LastCell As Range

     With MySheet
        'Find the last cell
        Set LastCell = cell.Find(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (E6)) > 0
        SearchOrder = xlByRows
        SearchDirection = xlNext

        'Find the first cell
        Set FirstCell = Range(E6, [E6])
        'Set what the actual range is
        Set ActualUsedRange = .Range(FirstCell, LastCell)
    End With
End Sub
Thanks all.