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Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

  1. #1
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    Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    Hi Everyone,

    I am having trouble finding a Excel formula or VBA function that will group rows with common text values in excel to a condensed order synapsis similar to the shopping cart function you see on eBay amazon etc. I work for a door company and I have created an excel order form that generates the code needed to run our CADD software. However, I want to be able to receive the order and on a separate tab I would like the customer's order to be organized by the door profile name (stanwick riverton etc) as well as the shape(round square and size). All the other info from the form isn't necessary. This way I can put this info into my other charts and graphs so shop guys will know what the customer will be picking up as well as the ability for me to see sales trends. I am efficient in excel but do not remember much VBA codes from college. The form generates the information needed for the CADD software in columns N53:BD53 to N:154:BD154, I take this information and send it to another form which I then convert it to CSV to send to the software. Any idea on how I could do this would be great fully appreciated.

    Maybe I should use the consolidate function however I'm not sure

    Thank You

    Also I am using excel 13
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    Last edited by TylerLuk1; 06-26-2015 at 08:45 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    You could use code like this - it will remove any line where the grain direction has not been set

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    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

  3. #3
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    Re: Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    Thanks Bernie, and sorry for the late response I was incredibly ill over the weekend. Would I put this code in the workbook section or the Thermafoil sheet selection? I have tried both but I cannot seem to get it to import to the CSV file named CSV Final Order.



  4. #4
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    Re: Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    It's good to hear that you're feeling better....

    You would insert a standard codemodule into your project, and place the code into that module. Then save the file as a macro-enabled .xlsm and run the macro either through the dialog or by assigning it to a commandbutton on your worksheet, run when the "Thermofoil" sheet is the activesheet, or change the line

    Set SpecSheet = ActiveSheet ' Worksheets("Thermofoil")


    Set SpecSheet = Worksheets("Thermofoil")

    and then it won't matter which sheet is active.

    And it does not create the CSV file - it creates a worksheet than can be exported to a CSV file - but one step at a time: that part can be added to the macro later.

  5. #5
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    Re: Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    It worked! Thank you so much for your help, I want to learn more VBA code and the structures of what makes the codes tic. I took some CSS coding classes before and the book we had broke down the structure character by character structure by structure of each code. Do you know any online source or text sources I could use?

    Thanks Again!


  6. #6
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    Re: Help! Need formula to group similar text & numeric values onto seperate graph

    Try to find any of John Walkenbach's Power Programming for Excel VBA series
    Last edited by Bernie Deitrick; 06-30-2015 at 02:58 PM.

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