Dear colleagues,

Recently I've been trying to adapt a search code that I've found to try to find a word in a worksheet.

The code is meant to find, and select all cells that contains the text from an inputbox.
Code :

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim ThisAddress$, Found, FirstAddress
    Dim Lost$, N&, NextSheet&
    Dim CurrentArea As Range, SelectedRegion As Range
    Dim Reply As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim FirstSheet As Worksheet
    Dim Ws As Worksheet
    Dim Wks As Worksheet
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Set FirstSheet = ActiveSheet
    Lost = InputBox(prompt:="Cuvinte cheie", _
    Title:="Cuvinte cheie:")
    If Len(Trim(Lost)) = 0 Then End
    For Each Ws In Worksheets
        With ActiveSheet.Cells
            Set FirstAddress = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
            If FirstAddress Is Nothing Then '< blank sheet
            GoTo NextSheet
            End If
            With Selection
                            Set Found = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
                If Not Found Is Nothing Then
                    FirstAddress = Found.Address
                    Set Found = .FindNext(Found)
                    Loop While Not Found Is Nothing And Found. _
                    Address <> FirstAddress
                End If
            End With
            Reply = MsgBox("Acesta este " & Lost & " pe care il cautai?", _
            vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Selectie activa")
            Set Found = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
            If Not Found Is Nothing Then
                FirstAddress = Found.Address
                Set Found = .FindNext(Found)
                Loop While Not Found Is Nothing And Found. _
                Address <> FirstAddress
            End If
            Set FirstAddress = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
            If Reply = vbCancel Then End
            If Reply = vbYes Then
            Set SelectedRegion = Selection
GoTo Finish:
            End If
            ThisAddress = FirstAddress.Address
            Set CurrentArea = Selection
                If Intersect(CurrentArea, Selection) Is Nothing Then
                    With Selection.Interior
                    End With
                    With Selection
                        Set Found = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
                        If Not Found Is Nothing Then
                            FirstAddress = Found.Address
                                Set Found = .FindNext(Found)
                            Loop While Not Found Is Nothing And Found. _
                            Address <> FirstAddress
                        End If
                    End With
                    Reply = MsgBox("Acesta este " & Lost & " pe care il cautai?", _
                    vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Current Region")
                    Set Found = .Find(What:=Lost, LookIn:=xlValues)
                    If Not Found Is Nothing Then
                        FirstAddress = Found.Address
                            Set Found = .FindNext(Found)
                        Loop While Not Found Is Nothing And Found. _
                        Address <> FirstAddress
                    End If
                    Set FirstAddress = .Find(What:=Lost, _
                    If Reply = vbCancel Then End
                    If Reply = vbYes Then
                        Set SelectedRegion = Selection
GoTo Finish:
                    End If
                End If
                If CurrentArea Is Nothing Then
                    Set CurrentArea = Selection
                    Set CurrentArea = Union(CurrentArea, Selection)
                End If
                Set FirstAddress = .FindNext(FirstAddress)
            Loop While Not FirstAddress Is Nothing And FirstAddress. _
            Address <> ThisAddress
    End With
    Next Ws
    If Reply = vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Search Completed - Sorry, no more " & Lost & "s", _
        vbInformation, "No Region Selected"
    End If
End Sub
The only problem that I have is that I want to add a condition in it, and I don't know how.... I want the code to skip selecting valid cells (cells that have the inputbox word in them), that have the text size <10 . Recapping, now the code selects and displays all cells that have the inputbox word in them, but I want it to select just the ones that have the text size > 10. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Warm regards,
