Excel 2010

I have a feeling that this should be easy but cannot work out how to do it. Since retiring 7 years ago I seem to have forgotten much of the VBA I use to know.

I have a sheet of several hundred tree species - one per row. Column C has the English name and D the Latin name. Other columns have other data. I can use a macro to sort by English name and another to sort by Latin name - no problem.

If the sheet is sorted by English name but then I want to change to sorting to by Latin name I want the same species to be selected after the sort is complete. At present the whole data range remains selected.

Do I have to read say the Latin name before running the sort, store it in a variable, and then use some type of find function to get back to the original row or is there a better way.

If I have to do a read and find as above some hints on the syntax to use would be useful.