I need to modify my existing code to reference the Row of the Active Cell.
Then, use that Row reference in part of my formula.

Sub formula_mcad_datasheetPDF()

' 8/12/15 - Inserts the hyperlink to open the PDF of the MCAD datasheet that
' PFBA has downloaded to my WO folder.

Dim mcadPDF As String

mcadPDF = "=HYPERLINK(""L:\PES\PES Work Orders\Delain WOs\MCAD cases\Completed\""&$C$5&"" (""&$C$4&"") 2014\""&C11&"".pdf.pdf"", ""MCAD Datasheet"")"
    ActiveCell.Formula = mcadPDF
End Sub
The highlighted reference is where I would like to change 11 of C11 to the Row of the Active Cell.

Thank you for your help,