Here's my setup:

A Master Workbook:

 Set wbMasterBook = Workbooks("MasterBook Version 3.xlsm")  'As the filename implies, I will rename it periodically.
Several tables in the master workbook:

       Set tblRawData = wbMasterBook.Sheets("Raw Data").ListObjects(1)            ' Used in one procedure
       Set tblProcessedData = wbMasterBook.Sheets("Processed").ListObjects(1)     ' Used in several procedures
       Set tblMoreData = wbMasterBook.Sheets("More").ListObjects(1)               ' Used in several procedures, including one from a different workbook.
I'm looking for the best way to define these objects, so I only have to do it once. The procedures are all in the same module (except for the one in a different workbook). So I'm thinking:

- Can I put Set statements in the Declarations section, in the module above the first procedure?
-- Does it matter that the two latter tables are destroyed and recreated? Would I have to Set them again afterwards?
- If not, is there a way to avoid putting the Set statements in every procedure? Can I make a Function to Set them?
- But if I do, will the Function be called every time I refer to one of these tables or workbook?
- Can I use Const to define these objects? I'm not sure how to do that.

Thanks for your help.