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Excel user form vba code for next based on textbox value

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    Excel user form vba code for next based on textbox value

    Good afternoon,

    I managed although without having any VBA knowledge to design an userform to update/view a database.

    what I want to do is:

    - if "month" change, I want to see on the userform all the info of the 1 st record for the month selected
    - when I click on next button, I want to go to the next record as follows:

    A) if I am doing a search per month, then go to the next record with match the selected month (knowing that several references have the same month in common, however each record has a different "ref" (2015ct001,2015ct002 etc)
    B)or If am looking per REF, go to the next REF (from 2015CT001 to 2015CT002 then to 2015CT003)

    Any other suggestion to simplify the code is welcome.

    Hope the above is clear enough and thank you in advance for your help

    [CODE][/Private Sub PutData()
    Dim IROW As Long
    Dim IROW1 As Long
    Dim WSH As Worksheet
    Dim WSH1 As Worksheet
    Set WSH = Worksheets("RECAP")
    Set WSH1 = Worksheets("PRICING FINAL")

    IROW = WSH.Cells.Find(WHAT:=Me.REF.Value, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
    IROW1 = WSH1.Cells.Find(WHAT:=Me.REF.Value, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row

    WSH.Cells(IROW, "A").Value = Me.MONTH.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "D").Value = Me.OIC.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "E").Value = Me.VSL.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "F").Value = Me.GRADE.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "G").Value = Me.LP.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "I").Value = Me.CT_QTY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "J").Value = Me.TOLERANCE.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "L").Value = Me.SUPPLIER.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "M").Value = Me.TERM_P.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "N").Value = Me.CT_DATES_TERM.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "O").Value = Me.CT_DATES.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "R").Value = Me.LP_INSP.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "S").Value = Me.LP_INSP_SHARING.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "U").Value = Me.LP_AGT.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "V").Value = Me.LP_AGT_CATEGORY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "W").Value = Me.RCVRS.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "X").Value = Me.TERMS_S.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "Y").Value = Me.DP.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "Z").Value = Me.REQ_MIN_QTY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AA").Value = Me.REQ_MAX_QTY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AD").Value = Me.DP_INSP.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AE").Value = Me.DP_INSP_SHARING.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AG").Value = Me.DP_AGT.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AH").Value = Me.DP_AGT_CATEGORY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AI").Value = Me.BL_DATE.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AJ").Value = Me.COD_DATE.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AK").Value = Me.BL_GROSS_QTY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AL").Value = Me.BL_NET_QTY.Value
    WSH.Cells(IROW, "AM").Value = Me.OT_QTY.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "M").Value = Me.INV_QTY_P.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "O").Value = Me.PRICING_P.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "P").Value = Me.PMT_P.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "R").Value = Me.OSP_P.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "S").Value = Me.PREM_P.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AE").Value = Me.INV_QTY_S.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AG").Value = Me.PRICING_S.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AH").Value = Me.PMT_S.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AJ").Value = Me.OSP_S.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AK").Value = Me.PREM_S.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BB").Value = Me.MIN_FRT_QTY.Value
    WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BC").Value = Me.WS.Value

    End Sub

    Private Sub CMDADD_Click()
    End Sub

    Private Sub GetData()
    Dim IROW As Long
    Dim IROW1 As Long
    Dim IROW2 As Long
    Dim WSH As Worksheet
    Dim WSH1 As Worksheet
    Dim WSH2 As Worksheet
    Dim ROW_NR As String
    Set WSH = Worksheets("RECAP")
    Set WSH1 = Worksheets("PRICING FINAL")
    Set WSH2 = Worksheets("PANDL")

    IROW = WSH.Cells.Find(WHAT:=Me.REF.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    IROW1 = WSH1.Cells.Find(WHAT:=Me.REF.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    IROW2 = WSH2.Cells.Find(WHAT:=Me.REF.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("RECAP")
    Me.MONTH.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "A").Value
    Me.PANDL_MONTH.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "A").Value
    Me.REF.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "C").Value
    Me.PANDL_REF.Value = Me.REF.Value
    Me.OIC.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "D").Value
    Me.PANDL_OIC.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "D").Value
    Me.VSL.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "E").Value
    Me.PANDL_VSL.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "E").Value
    Me.GRADE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "F").Value
    Me.PANDL_GRADE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "F").Value
    Me.LP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "G").Value
    Me.PANDL_LP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "G").Value
    Me.CT_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "I").Value
    Me.TOLERANCE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "J").Value
    Me.SUPPLIER.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "L").Value
    Me.PANDL_SUPPLIER.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "L").Value
    Me.TERM_P.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "M").Value
    Me.PANDL_TERM_P.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "M").Value
    Me.CT_DATES_TERM.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "N").Value
    Me.CT_DATES.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "O").Value
    Me.LP_INSP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "R").Value
    Me.LP_INSP_SHARING.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "S").Value
    Me.LP_AGT.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "U").Value
    Me.LP_AGT_CATEGORY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "V").Value
    Me.RCVRS.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "W").Value
    Me.PANDL_RCVRS.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "W").Value
    Me.TERMS_S.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "X").Value
    Me.PANDL_TERMS_S.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "X").Value
    Me.DP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "Y").Value
    Me.PANDL_DP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "Y").Value
    Me.REQ_MIN_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "Z").Value
    Me.REQ_MAX_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AA").Value
    Me.DP_INSP.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AD").Value
    Me.DP_INSP_SHARING.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AE").Value
    Me.DP_AGT.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AG").Value
    Me.DP_AGT_CATEGORY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AH").Value
    Me.BL_DATE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AI").Value
    Me.PANDL_BL_DATE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AI").Value
    Me.COD_DATE.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AJ").Value
    Me.BL_GROSS_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AK").Value
    Me.PANDL_BL_GROSS_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AK").Value
    Me.BL_NET_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AL").Value
    Me.PANDL_BL_NET_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AL").Value
    Me.OT_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AM").Value
    Me.PANDL_OT_QTY.Value = WSH.Cells(IROW, "AM").Value
    End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PRICING FINAL")
    Me.INV_QTY_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "M").Value
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_P_TERMS.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "M").Value
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "N").Value
    Me.PRICING_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "O").Value
    Me.PANDL_PRICING_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "O").Value
    Me.PRICING_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AG").Value
    Me.PANDL_PRICING_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AG").Value
    Me.PMT_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "P").Value
    Me.OSP_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "R").Value
    Me.PREM_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "S").Value
    Me.PANDL_PREM_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "S").Value
    Me.INV_QTY_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AE").Value
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_S_TERMS.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AE").Value
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AF").Value
    Me.INV_QTY_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AE").Value
    Me.PMT_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AH").Value
    Me.OSP_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AJ").Value
    Me.PREM_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AK").Value
    Me.PANDL_PREM_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AK").Value
    Me.MIN_FRT_QTY.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BB").Value
    Me.WS.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BC").Value
    Me.PANDL_PROV_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "X").Value
    Me.PANDL_FINAL_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "W").Value
    Me.PANDL_BAL_P.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "Y").Value
    Me.PANDL_PROV_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AP").Value
    Me.PANDL_FINAL_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AO").Value
    Me.PANDL_BAL_S.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AQ").Value
    Me.PANDL_HEDGE.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "AY").Value
    Me.PANDL_GROSS_FRT.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BE").Value
    Me.PANDL_SECA.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BK").Value
    Me.PANDL_TOT_SHIP.Value = WSH1.Cells(IROW1, "BQ").Value
    End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANDL")
    Me.PANDL_DEM_IN.Value = WSH2.Cells(IROW2, "AC").Value
    Me.PANDL_DEM_OUT.Value = WSH2.Cells(IROW2, "T").Value
    Me.PANDL.Value = WSH2.Cells(IROW2, "AI").Value
    End With

    Me.ROW_NR = Right(Me.REF.Value, 3)
    Me.BL_DATE.Value = Format(BL_DATE.Value, "dd-mmm-yy")
    Me.PANDL_BL_DATE.Value = Format(BL_DATE.Value, "dd-mmm-yy")
    Me.COD_DATE.Value = Format(COD_DATE.Value, "dd-mmm-yy")
    Me.PREM_P = Format(PREM_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_PREM_P = Format(PREM_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.OSP_P = Format(OSP_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PREM_S = Format(PREM_S.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.OSP_S = Format(OSP_S.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.CT_QTY = Format(CT_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.MIN_FRT_QTY = Format(MIN_FRT_QTY, "#,##0.00")
    Me.BL_GROSS_QTY = Format(BL_GROSS_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_BL_GROSS_QTY = Format(BL_GROSS_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.BL_NET_QTY = Format(BL_NET_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_BL_NET_QTY = Format(BL_NET_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.OT_QTY = Format(OT_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_P = Format(PANDL_INV_QTY_P, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_INV_QTY_S = Format(PANDL_INV_QTY_S, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_OT_QTY = Format(OT_QTY.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_PROV_P = Format(PANDL_PROV_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_PROV_S = Format(PANDL_PROV_S.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_FINAL_P = Format(PANDL_FINAL_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_FINAL_S = Format(PANDL_FINAL_S.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_BAL_P = Format(PANDL_BAL_P.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_BAL_S = Format(PANDL_BAL_S.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_GROSS_FRT = Format(PANDL_GROSS_FRT.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_SECA = Format(PANDL_SECA.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_TOT_SHIP = Format(PANDL_TOT_SHIP.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_DEM_IN = Format(PANDL_DEM_IN.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_DEM_OUT = Format(PANDL_DEM_OUT.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL = Format(PANDL.Value, "#,##0.00")
    Me.PANDL_HEDGE = Format(PANDL_HEDGE, "#,##0.00")
    Me.TOLERANCE = Format(TOLERANCE.Value, "0%")
    Me.LP_INSP_SHARING = Format(LP_INSP_SHARING.Value, "0%")
    Me.DP_INSP_SHARING = Format(DP_INSP_SHARING.Value, "0%")
    End Sub

    Private Sub REF_Change()
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Me.REF.Value = "2015CT001"
    End Sub

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