Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get the Sharepoint data into Excel via VBA. (excel 2013 + Sharepoint 2010)
But I found that some of the columns are missing....
(if I use "Export to excel" ribbon on Sharepoint, I can get everything.)

I tried different Sharepoint Libraries/Lists and found that if this columns type is "Integer", then my code can't get it.

Does anyone see this issue before?

I tried to Google this problem and the only thing I found was


But his solution doesn't work.

thanks for your help!


below is my code:
Dim objMyList As ListObject
Dim objWksheet As Worksheet
Dim strSPServer As String
Dim SERVER As String
Dim LISTNAME As String
Dim VIEWNAME As String

SERVER = "xxx.com/"
LISTNAME = "{29e9c529-ced8-475a-b7fd-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"
VIEWNAME = "{026BCE79-3B1E-4E9E-A309-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"
strSPServer = "https://" & SERVER & "/_vti_bin"
Set objWksheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set objMyList = objWksheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcExternal, _
Array(strSPServer, LISTNAME, VIEWNAME), False, , Range("A1"))
