
On one sheet called "Control", I have two columns, one is "Area Size" and one is "Show?". Like this:

Area size Show?
0-19,999 Yes
20,000-39,999 Yes
40,000-59,999 Yes
60,000-79,999 Yes
80,000-99,999 Yes
100,000-119,999 Yes
120,000-139,999 Yes
140,000-159,999 Yes
160,000-179,999 Yes
180,000-199,999 Yes
200,000-219,999 Yes
220,000+ Yes

Depending on the text in column F (Show column), I want to autofilter data in a sheet called "Output". In output, I have 200 rows of data and a column D that contains the area grouping of each building. This is my current VBA code, however it is not working, and whenever I select Yes or No in the control sheet, it filters out all of the data as if none match the criteria, when I know it does.

Sub ShowBuildings()

Dim wsC As Worksheet, wsO As Worksheet

Set wsC = Worksheets("Control")
Set wsO = Worksheets("Output")

Dim x As Long, sList() As String
x = 0

With wsC

    Dim rng As Range

    For Each rng In .Range("F2:F13")

        If rng.Value2 = "Yes" Then

            ReDim Preserve sList(x)
            sList(x) = rng.Offset(, -1)

            x = x + 1

        End If


End With

With wsO

    .AutoFilterMode = False

    With .Range(.Range("D2"), .Range("D" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

        If x > 0 Then  'checks to see if array is empty because no "yes'" were selected
            .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=sList, Operator:=xlFilterValues
        End If

    End With

End With

End Sub
Any idea as to why this isn't working?