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Ceate a root directory to select multiple files at once.

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    Re: Ceate a root directory to select multiple files at once.


    The attached zip file contains files:
    a. ExcelForumProcessFilesInSubFolders2.xls - Updated copy of the previous file that actually processes files and puts results in a destination file.
    b. ExcelForumDestinationFile.xlsx - Simulated destination file.
    c. ExcelForumSourceFile1.xlsx - Simulated source file
    d. ExcelForumSourceFile2.xlsx - Simulated source file with different data

    The following contains code excerpts to demonstrate how the source and destination files are processed:
    Option Explicit
    Private Const sControlSheetNAME = "Sheet1"
    Private Const sDestinationSheetNAME = "Sheet1"
    Private Const sBaseFolderNameCELL = "C5"
    Private Const sFolderSearchStringCELL = "C7"
    Private Const sDestinationFolderandFileNameCELL = "C9"
    Private Const nDoubleLineROW = 25
    Sub ProcessOneSourceFile(sPathAndMatchingFileName As String, wsDestination As Worksheet)
      'Your file processing code goes in this routine
      Dim wbSource As Workbook
      Dim wsDeckblatt As Worksheet
      Dim wsCoverSheet As Worksheet  'Just in Case there is an English and Non-English Version
      Dim iDestinationSheetLastRowUsed As Long
      Dim iDestinationRow As Long
      Dim sSourceFileName As String
      Dim sSourceFolderName As String
      'Get the Source Folder and File Names
      sSourceFolderName = LjmExtractPath(sPathAndMatchingFileName)
      sSourceFileName = LjmExtractFullFileName(sPathAndMatchingFileName)
      'Open  the SourceFile
      Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sPathAndMatchingFileName, ReadOnly:=True)
      'Create the Worksheet Objects
      Set wsDeckblatt = wbSource.Sheets("Deckblatt")
      Set wsCoverSheet = wbSource.Sheets("Cover Sheet")
      'Find the Last Row Used on the Destination Sheet (A runtime error will occur if the Sheet is Empty)
      On Error Resume Next
      iDestinationSheetLastRowUsed = wsDestination.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        iDestinationSheetLastRowUsed = 1
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      'Set the Destination Row to the Last Row after the Last Row Used on the Destination Sheet
      iDestinationRow = iDestinationSheetLastRowUsed + 1
      'Copy Administrative Data to the 'Destination' Sheet
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "A").Value = sSourceFileName
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "B").Value = sSourceFolderName
      'Copy Data from Sheet 'Cover Sheet' to the 'Destination' Sheet
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "C").Value = wsCoverSheet.Range("F3").Value
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "D").Value = wsCoverSheet.Range("D14").Value
      'Copy Data from Sheet 'Deckblatt' to the 'Destination' Sheet
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "E").Value = wsDeckblatt.Range("D3").Value
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "F").Value = wsDeckblatt.Range("D7").Value
      wsDestination.Cells(iDestinationRow, "G").Value = wsDeckblatt.Range("D11").Value
      'Close Source File
      wbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
      'Clear  Object pointers
      Set wbSource = Nothing
      Set wsDeckblatt = Nothing
      Set wsCoverSheet = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessMatchingFilesInAllSubFolders()
      'This will process all Matching Files in all SubFolders
      Dim wbDestination As Workbook
      Dim wsControl As Worksheet
      Dim wsDestination As Worksheet
      Dim fso As Object
      Dim objFolder As Object
      Dim iLevel As Long
      Dim iMatchCount As Long
      Dim iOutputRow As Long
      Dim sBaseFolder As String
      Dim sBaseFolderAndFileMaskCombination As String
      Dim sDestinationFileName As String
      Dim sDestinationPath As String
      Dim sDestinationPathAndFileName As String
      Dim sFileMask As String
      Dim sMatchingFileName As String
      Dim sPathAndMatchingFileName As String
      Dim sPathAndMatchingFolderName As String
      Dim sSearchSpec As String
      'Code deleted
      'Get the Input values and display their values
      'Code deleted - comments left behind
      'Get the Base Folder Name (without leading/trailing spaces)
      'Get the File Mask (without leading/trailing spaces)
      'Add a '*' (find all matches) to the end of the Search Spec if there is no '*' in the 'Partial Folder Name'
      'Get the Destination Path and File Name
      'Build the complete 'Search Specification'
      sBaseFolderAndFileMaskCombination = sBaseFolder & sFileMask
      'Search Preliminaries
      'Create the File System Object
      'Create the Folder Object
      'Exit if the 'Base Folder' does not exist.
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      On Error Resume Next
      Set objFolder = fso.GetFolder(sBaseFolder)
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "NOTHING DONE.  The 'Base Folder' does NOT exist." & vbCrLf & _
               "Base Folder Name: '" & sBaseFolder & "'"
        GoTo MYEXIT
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      'Open the Destination File
      sDestinationPath = LjmExtractPath(sDestinationPathAndFileName)
      sDestinationFileName = LjmExtractFullFileName(sDestinationPathAndFileName)
      If LJMFileExists(sDestinationPathAndFileName) = False Then
        MsgBox "NOTHING DONE.  The 'Destination Folder and/or File' does NOT exist." & vbCrLf & _
               "Folder: '" & sDestinationPath & "'" & vbCrLf & _
               "File: '" & sDestinationFileName & "'"
        GoTo MYEXIT
      End If
      If LjmIsWorkbookOpen(sDestinationFileName) = True Then
        MsgBox "NOTHING DONE.  The 'Destination File is NOT ALLOWED to be OPEN." & vbCrLf & _
               "Try again after the Destination File is CLOSED." & vbCrLf & _
               "Name: '" & sDestinationFileName & "'"
        GoTo MYEXIT
      End If
      'Create the Destination Objects
      Set wbDestination = Workbooks.Open(sDestinationPathAndFileName)
      If LjmWorkbookAndSheetExists(sDestinationFileName, sDestinationSheetNAME) = False Then
        MsgBox "NOTHING DONE.  The 'Destination File MUST CONTAIN Sheet '" & sDestinationSheetNAME & "'." & vbCrLf & _
               "Folder: '" & sDestinationPath & "'" & vbCrLf & _
               "File: '" & sDestinationFileName & "'"
        GoTo MYEXIT
      End If
      Set wsDestination = wbDestination.Sheets(sDestinationSheetNAME)
      'Find all matches in the 'Base Folder' Only
      'Dir() is used in favor of FileSystemObject to allow wildcard search
      sPathAndMatchingFolderName = sBaseFolder
      'Output a Message
      iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
      wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = "-----  " & "Folder: " & sPathAndMatchingFolderName
      'Create the 'Search Specification' for Dir()
      'Get the First Matching File Name (if any)
      sSearchSpec = sPathAndMatchingFolderName & sFileMask
      sMatchingFileName = Dir(sSearchSpec)
      'Keep on Processing until the 'Matching File Name' is BLANK
      While Len(sMatchingFileName) > 0
        'Build the Complete Path and File Name
        sPathAndMatchingFileName = sPathAndMatchingFolderName & sMatchingFileName
        'Increment the Match Counter
        'Output a Message
        iMatchCount = iMatchCount + 1
        iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
        wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = Format(iMatchCount, "000  ") & "Processing " & sPathAndMatchingFileName
        'User Specific File Processing
        Call ProcessOneSourceFile(sPathAndMatchingFileName, wsDestination)
        'Get the Next File Name
        sMatchingFileName = Dir()
      'Recursively Search SubFolders
      iLevel = 0
      Call RecursiveFolderSearch(sBaseFolder, sFileMask, sBaseFolder, iLevel, iMatchCount, iOutputRow, wsControl, wsDestination)
      'Output Completion Messages
      If iMatchCount = 0 Then
        iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
        wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = "NO matching Folders were found."
      End If
      'Output a completion message
      iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
      iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
      wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = "Search completed on " & Format(Now(), "ddd mmmm d, yyyy  hh:mm:ss AM/PM") & "."
      'AutoFit the Destination Sheet Columns
      'Restore Screen Updating
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      'Close and save the 'Destination File' if possible
      On Error Resume Next
      On Error GoTo 0
      'Clear Object Pointers
      Set fso = Nothing
      Set objFolder = Nothing
      Set wsControl = Nothing
      Set wbDestination = Nothing
      Set wsDestination = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub RecursiveFolderSearch(sPath As String, _
                              sFileMask As String, _
                              sBaseFolder As String, _
                        ByRef iLevel As Long, _
                        ByRef iMatchCount As Long, _
                        ByRef iOutputRow As Long, _
                              wsControl As Worksheet, _
                              wsDestination As Worksheet)
      'This recursively searches for Folder Names
      'This ignores folders in 'Level 0' (Base Folder) to allow a prior search for 'Base Folder' matches
      ' 'ByRef' items are modified by this routine
      Dim fso As Object
      Dim objFolder As Object
      Dim objSubFolder As Object
      Dim sMatchingFileName As String
      Dim sPathAndMatchingFileName As String
      Dim sPathAndMatchingFolderName As String
      Dim sSearchSpec As String
      Dim sSubFolderName As String
      'Create the File System Object
      'Create the Folder Object
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set objFolder = fso.GetFolder(sPath)
      'Traverse Each SubFolder
      For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
        'Get the Next SubFolder Name
        'Build the Complete Folder and SubFolder Name
        sSubFolderName = objSubFolder.Name
        sPathAndMatchingFolderName = sPath & sSubFolderName & "\"
        'Increment the Output Row
        'Create an Output Message
        iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
        wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = "-----  " & "Folder: " & sPathAndMatchingFolderName
        'Create the 'Search Specification' for Dir()
        'Get the First Matching File Name (if any)
        sSearchSpec = sPathAndMatchingFolderName & sFileMask
        sMatchingFileName = Dir(sSearchSpec)
        'Keep on Processing until the 'Matching File Name' is BLANK
        While Len(sMatchingFileName) > 0
          'Build the Complete Path and File Name
          sPathAndMatchingFileName = sPathAndMatchingFolderName & sMatchingFileName
          'Increment the Match Counter
          'Output a Message
          iMatchCount = iMatchCount + 1
          iOutputRow = iOutputRow + 1
          wsControl.Cells(iOutputRow, "A").Value = Format(iMatchCount, "000  ") & "Processing " & sPathAndMatchingFileName
          'User Specific File Processing
          Call ProcessOneSourceFile(sPathAndMatchingFileName, wsDestination)
          'Get the Next File NAME
          sMatchingFileName = Dir()
        'Drill down to the next Sub-Level
        Call RecursiveFolderSearch(sPath & objSubFolder.Name & "\", sFileMask, sBaseFolder, iLevel + 1, iMatchCount, iOutputRow, wsControl, wsDestination)
      Next objSubFolder
      'Clear object pointers
      Set fso = Nothing
      Set objFolder = Nothing
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

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