Hello everyone,

First I want to tell you I do not speak English so I went through a translator,
I am beginner in VBA
I entraint to make a production schedule and this schedule there is an administration interface with a combobox users.

I just added it a somewhat peculiar feature is that there will have a password button forgotten?

the user clicks on this button opens a userform (something I have already managed to do)

just a little more to detail I have a sheet that is named Admin
A column avond we identifier
column B the password
in column C the email address

if the user clicks Password Forgot goes eg [email protected] and face well in this one page that I named Admin
then the password and password sent to the email that is in column C

if the email address is not in the comic message "Email is not in our database"

thank you in advance for your assistancedemande mot passe.xlsm