Hi jaslake and mikerickson thank you for getting back to me!

jaslake - That looks like it would do what I'm looking for but I don't have a set number of participants. The chances are no group will be more than 25 but is there a way to make it extend as new ones are added? Also I'm getting run-time error 91 when I try and run it I've attached a screen shot, I've peered at it for a while but yeah I'm no where near being able to debug anything.

mikerickson - I can't get the code you put up to do anything although I imagine that's because I'm putting it in the wrong places.

To give you a bit more background, the idea is that different people who run the different groups within the charity will use their own sign-in sheet for their group and they'll do so using a tablet.
So for example lets say there is 3 groups.
When group 1 is in for their activity the leader would switch the tablet on and press/click on the "Group 1" worksheet button on the tablets desktop. This would open a worksheet that has a 'signin' button and a 'add to register' button for group 1 (the register itself and other info will be set to hidden).
They will then click on the signin userform button.
As participants come in they will click on their name showing they are in and if any new members turn up they can click on the register button get the details of off the participant and enter them into the register. Then the signin sheet will update with the new participant on it.

So at the moment I'm thinking each group would have their own set of worksheets but then all of the data would also go to 2 over all worksheets, 1 with all of the registered users that go to all activities and 1 which has participation numbers.

So basically I thought having the names come up as command buttons would be the best way to keep it simple for the people who will be using the user interface. Does that make sense?
I'm definitely open to other ideas though if anyone has a better way of doing this? and I would definitely try different things too.

Thanks again you two it is very much appreciated. Attachment 441350