Hello Steve,

A basic code such as follows would do the task for you:-

Sub ClearIt()

If Range("T40") = 1 Then
End If

End Sub
To implement the code, go to the Developer tab and over to the far left, select Visual Basic. This will open the VB Editor (you can also use Alt + F11 to open it). Once open, select Insert. From the menu that appears, select Module. The big grey field to the right will change to white. In this field, paste the above code. Go back to your spread sheet, press Alt + F8 and the Macro dialogue box will appear. Click on "Run" to execute the code. You could, of course, create a button to assign the macro to and run the code by clicking on the button.

Every time that cell T40 has a 1 in it, the code will execute otherwise, nothing will happen.

I hope that this helps.
