Hi All,

I have an excel file with the following headers:

From, To, CC, BCC, Subject, Salutation, Text, Signatur, attachment

This file is filled with about 20 rows for 20 E-Mails.

From: I have 4 different E-Mail accounts in Outlook because I am working for different clients. In all rows must be the same address (3rd one)
To: Here are 3 - 4 different E-Mail addresses
CC: Here are 2 - 3 different E-Mail addresses
BCC: Here are only 1 E-Mail address
Subject: About 10 words
Salutation: Only 2 - 8 words
Text: A longer text - Here I need two different texts. It would be greatfull if I can choose between option 1 or 2?
Signatur: My client Signatur - in every row the same
attachment: for every row a different file but always the same folder and the same name for one line

Now I will start a macro which generate for every line an E-Mai,l at first to .display

I hope someone could help me?