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Macro for centering jpg in excel cell

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    Macro for centering jpg in excel cell

    Hello, new member. I will try to be as precise as I can here, bear with me though, I am a complete novice when it come to Macros.

    What I am looking for:
    I am working on a document, a competence matrix. I want to make it easy and smooth to use so I have created circles filled 0,25,50,75,100% to illustrate competence levels. These are in jpg format.The thing is that when I copy and paste these into the matrix they end up non centered so you have to manually align them. Not a huge issue but I was hoping it could be fixed with a macro. Knowing my limitations I figured someone else who knows this a whole lot better than me might have done it already I found this:

     Sub CenterObjectInActiveCell()
        Dim X As Integer
        Dim Y As Integer
        X = ActiveCell.Left + (ActiveCell.Width / 2) - (ActiveSheet.Shapes(1).Width / 2)
        Y = ActiveCell.Top + (ActiveCell.Height / 2) - (ActiveSheet.Shapes(1).Height / 2)
        With ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)
            .Left = X
            .Top = Y
        End With
    End Sub
    It work, sort of. First of "With ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)" ,and more specifically the number, somehow dictates which object should be used. I honestly have no idea how the selection is made, I guess the original macro was designed for just one object, but after some trial and error (changing the number) I could figure out which number related to which object in my worksheet.
    So how it works now is I connected a macro to each object, so when I select a cell and click the object I want in that cell it moves there and is centered. So far so good, but what I actually would like to happen is that the object is copied to the selected cell rather than moved. Is that doable?
    As I said I am quite new at all things macro related so keep it simple if possible, thanks.
    Last edited by Zjiv; 02-09-2016 at 11:51 AM.

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