Greetings from Colorado Springs where once again we appear to be getting snow dumped on us!

It was my understanding that when I included the Microsoft Outlook (nn.nn) reference library in the code I wrote, the resources would travel with the code.

I am working with Excel 2016.

When I linked in the MS Outlook 16.0 reference library (in order to use some Outlook automation), the other two people trying to run the workbook, who are using Excel 2007, get errors.

I suspect my fundamental problem is that the MS Outlook resource linked is 16 and I likely need something like, well..., 07, but I am shooting in the dark with that one.

In this case I am attempting to create tasks/appointments/reminders in Outlook from Excel.

How can I build code using 2016 linking to Outlook library that will run on Office 2007?

As always, all of your help is much appreciated!