I have an image that I would like to include into the Header of my worksheets. But I want to be able to keep/store the image within the workbook, likely in a hidden worksheet vs having the file maintained on a PC or network location.

I've figured out how to add the image when pointing to the file location. But can you reference the shape or image from within the workbook somehow? This is the basic code to add the image to the header currently.

For Each WrkSheet In Worksheets
        WrkSheet.PageSetup.RightHeaderPicture.Filename = "C:\logo.jpg"
        ' WrkSheet.PageSetup.RightHeaderPicture.Filename = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture 1"))
        With WrkSheet.PageSetup
            .RightHeader = "&G"
            .LeftFooter = Font & Now
            .CenterFooter = Font & Confidential
            .RightFooter = "&A" & Chr(10) & "&D &T"
        End With
        For Each Shp In WrkSheet.Shapes  'Delete the existing logo off of the worksheets.
        '    Shp.Delete
        Next Shp
    Next WrkSheet