hi i try to do with a command button and textbox find and find next
also a solution for the other textboxes will show the value of cells of that finded word in row
but still not working

this is what i have now
Workbooks("L_PR_02 D_Receptieboek.xlsx").Sheets("2016").Activate

Dim FoundCell As Range, LastCell As Range
Dim tezoekenwaarde As String, firstaddress As String

tezoekenwaarde = Me.TextBox23.Value

With Sheets("2016").Range("A:l")

Set LastCell = .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, 1)

Set FoundCell = .Range("A:l").Find(what:=tezoekenwaarde, after:=LastCell, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)

If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
firstaddress = FoundCell.Address

Debug.Print FoundCell.Address

Set FoundCell = .Range("A:l").FindNext(after:=FoundCell)

Loop While Not FoundCell Is Nothing And FoundCell.Address <> firstaddress

MsgBox tezoekenwaarde & Chr(10) & "Record Not Found", 48, "Not Found"
End If

If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox13.Value = Range("b" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox14.Value = Range("c" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox15.Value = Range("d" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox16.Value = Range("e" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox17.Value = Range("f" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox18.Value = Range("g" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox19.Value = Range("h" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox20.Value = Range("i" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox21.Value = Range("j" & TextBox22.Value).Value
End If
End With
End Sub
i want to add also a c.row value

Set c.Row = TextBox22.Value

If Not foundcell Is Nothing Then
TextBox22.Value = c.Row

so if the find is founded
my other textboxes wil fill value of that row

like this

If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox13.Value = Range("b" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox14.Value = Range("c" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox15.Value = Range("d" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox16.Value = Range("e" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox17.Value = Range("f" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox18.Value = Range("g" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox19.Value = Range("h" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox20.Value = Range("i" & TextBox22.Value).Value
If TextBox22.Value = True Then TextBox21.Value = Range("j" & TextBox22.Value).Value
hope there is a solution for this