Hi All,

I have an issue when trying to 'undo' last selection on a userform, when attempting to set the ListIndex of the last populated combobox to -1, when .MatchRequired = true.

The basic steps are:

1.Select item in ComboBox1 (BeforeUpdate copies ListIndex to the .Tag property to store as 'previous value'. ComboBox1 is then locked, ComboBox2 is then unlocked, focus moved to ComboBox2)
2.Click on 'Undo' CommandButton (ComboBox2 is locked, ComboBox1 unlocked and ListIndex set to -1 if .Tag = vbnullstring or "")
3.Invalid Property message is displayed

I understand this is because -1 is not actually a value in the list to which MatchRequired refers. Is there a fix or valid workaround instead of adding "" as a ListItem.

Thanks in advance
