I need a macro which goes through a series of worksheets, adding an email address to cell B1 of each sheet.

The email address needs to be lifted from a list of email addresses which is held in a separate work sheet, so working down the list one at a time. The separate worksheet is called "Standing name data" and the list starts in cell F4. I've attempted this by doing the following:

Sub fill2()
Dim k As Integer
Dim l As Integer
k = ActiveSheet.index
l = Worksheets.Count

For i = ActiveSheet.index To Worksheets.Count: For j = 4 To l - k + 4

Sheets(i).Range("B1").Value = Sheets("STANDING NAME DATA").Cells(j, 6).Value
Next: Next

End Sub

The problem is that this runs the for over and over in each worksheet, so it goes across all the sheets but leaves only the final email address from my list in each sheet. Appreciate help anyone can give! Sorry if I'm being particularly simple on this!