Hello dear Excel Forum users,

I have a question regarding a Workbook_BeforeSave thing I am working on.

In the document I made, the user has to enter data in certain cells before saving (and printing). If there is no data in these cells the user will get an error message.
This has worked out well so far. I have been able to do this for loads of cells (thanks to this community) using:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If [C8] = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "You must enter Bedrijf"
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If

Now the problem I am having is I also have some drop down lists (using Data Validation) is this document. The values one can select in one drop down list are (for example):
--Please Select--
Option A
Option B
Option C

The "--Please Select--" text is always visible.
What I would like to do is the same as with a "regular" cell except I want a message box to appear when saving (and or printing) and "--Please Select--" is still selected in the Drop Down(s).

I would like to do this to force the users of the document to make a selection from these drop down menus. If they didn't they should not be able to save or print the file.

Hopefully my question is formulated clearly and thanks in advance!

Kind regards,