Hello everyone
I have this code that calculates all the possible combinations for the sum of specific numbers
Option Explicit

Sub PossibleCombinations()
    Dim r       As Variant
    Dim v       As Double
    Dim i       As Long
    Dim a       As Long
    Dim b       As Long
    Dim c       As Long
    Dim d       As Long
    Dim e       As Long
    Dim f       As Long
    Const x     As Long = 20

    ReDim r(1 To 1048576, 1 To 13)

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For a = 1 To x
            For b = 1 To x
                For c = 1 To x
                    For d = 1 To x
                        For e = 1 To x
                            For f = 1 To x
                                v = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(a * 49, b * 99, c * 149, d * 199, e * 224, f * 249)
                                If v = 14221 Then
                                    i = i + 1
                                    r(i, 1) = a
                                    r(i, 2) = b
                                    r(i, 3) = c
                                    r(i, 4) = d
                                    r(i, 5) = e
                                    r(i, 6) = f
                                    r(i, 7) = a * 49
                                    r(i, 8) = b * 99
                                    r(i, 9) = c * 149
                                    r(i, 10) = d * 199
                                    r(i, 11) = e * 224
                                    r(i, 12) = f * 249
                                    r(i, 13) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(r(i, 7), r(i, 8), r(i, 9), r(i, 10), r(i, 11), r(i, 12))
                                    If i >= Rows.Count Then GoTo Skipper
                                End If
                            Next f
                        Next e
                    Next d
                Next c
            Next b
        Next a
        Range("A1").Resize(i, UBound(r, 2)).Value = r
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    MsgBox "Done...", 64
End Sub
It is working well but it took about 6 minutes (Is there a way to make it faster?)

Thanks advanced for help