Hello, I'm posting to the VBA forum as I've been unable to solve this issue on my own using only formulas. I'm a VBA novice, so I'm hoping I'll be able to understand the insights you all have.

I have a list of unique words, and next to each unique word are multiple columns with numbers. I'd like to combine all of the unique words, where the numbers next to it are greater than 0, into a single cell, with each word separated by a + sign.

For each column of numbers, I want a different result.

For example:

Apple / 1 / 0 / 1
Orange / 3 / 1 / 1
Pear / 0 / 0 / 2

In the above example

Result 1:

Result 2:

Result 3:

Above each column of numbers is a sequential identifier, such as "001", "002", "003". On another sheet, where I want the unique words combined, I will have this sequence. So, where 001 appears, it looks at 001, scans down, finds the numbers greater than 0, pulls those words, and combines them with a + in between.

Is there a way for me to accomplish this?