Hi there!

I have a structural post that's fixed. It accepts 2 type of clips: clips A and clips B.

Clips A can be located at a customized position, e.g.: 32" AFF (Away From Floor), 64" AFF, 72" AFF, etc.

Clips B are located 3" away from clips A, e.g. Clips A=32" AFF-->Clips B=35" AFF; Clips A=64" AFF-->Clips B=67" AFF; Clips A=72" AFF-->Clips B=75" AFF
BUT, Clips B are not always required! If Clips A=32" AFF for glass application, then Clips B are not required! If Clips A=32 AFF for solid application, then Clips B are required!

As you can tell every time the customer has a different wall elevation we have to make a new dwg's for the structural post so the floor staff know how to locate the clips! So far we have over 1,800 dwg's for this structural post just because of the different customized elevations!
I am wondering if instead of making a new SolidWorks assembly, then SolidWorks dwg, then save the SolidWorks dwg as a PDF dwg...I am wondering if I can just make it in Excel!

The structural post doesn't have to be in SolidWorks, we can insert an image of it in Excel, and insert images of Clips A and Clips B in Excel too. Then I can create a macro (with A LOT of your help of course) that places these images at the correct location (e.g. Clips A=32" AFF-->Clips B=35" AFF, etc) by the user filling up fields: e.g. FIELD 1=[32]" AFF, Glass option yes[] no [], etc.
And hopefully even "dimension" them! It doesn't have to be an accurate dimension as long as it is showing (32" AFF).

Is this even possible? Or am I asking too much?

Thank you for your help! Any tips is much appreciated

Years ago I worked as an engineering intern and I got a lot help from this forum. So I am back seeking help

PS: I don't even know how to start this project!