Hi all. Attached below is an image of a customer finder I am planning on implementing into a system being developed whilst using customer records.

Essentially, the idea is if a person forgets their order number (last field of picture 1), they can enter all of the relevant details into the ID, First Name, etc fields via drop down menus for each field.

How would I go about having the feature to be able to input 1 piece of data into one of the fields and have all of the other relevant data come up automatically, e.g. entering the ID number 1 and having all of "Jane Bryant's" relevant information come up.

Ideally I would like it so that any field that information is entered into leads to all of the other fields being filled in automatically using the relevant details from the table. Thank you.

Ps. firstly, the details are fake (if that's a concern), secondly, the fields that are filled in are not related, they are all as of yet just independent drop down menus.Untitled.pngUntitled2.png