Up until yesterday, the VBA screen organization would open the Project and Properties windows on the left side of the screen one above the other. Then when I clicked on something like a code module, it would open up the code window to the right of the Project/Properties window and fill the rest of the screen. This must be the default setting "out of the box" for excel. However, somehow, I managed to dock the Project window to the top of the screen window and now I can't get it back to where it was. No matter what I try, the Code window opens behind the Project and Properties windows but doesn't fill all of the rest of the screen.

I think somehow I need to get the Project and Properties windows to "DOCK' on the left side of the screen then open a code window and maximize it. Tried to do this but no luck. Can anyone help me? I've seen other replies to a similar question and have tried the solutions proposed but nothing seems to work.