Excel VBA Function Method API Windows Function User32.dll Alias Declare Library List .. thingies
I am sorry if the Thread title does not quite match what it is that I want. As usual I am not quite sure myself what it is that I am talking about….
Maybe an example will help get across which List I am trying to get hold of.
In Excel VBA there is a message box pop up thingy MsgBox, the VBA Message Box Function ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba...sgbox-function )
This apparently uses a “Windows API software code thingy”, ( "MessageBoxA" )
Yesterday I found out that is quite easy to “use that standard code more directly”. All you need is a simple single code line like
After adding that line at the top of a code module, you use the “APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox” in VBA codes very similarly to how you use the VBA Message Box Function, MsgBox https://www.excelforum.com/developme...ml#post4822070 .Please Login or Register to view this content.
So I want a good list of those Pubic Declare thingys code lines
So Ideally what I would like is a list of Excel Methods and Functions and alongside each Method or Function the “ Excel VBA Function Method API Windows Function User32.dll Alias Declare Library “ thingy code line.
If, in addition, I can get an explanation of all the parameter arguments as well then so much the better.
Currently, for example, I am trying to find the “ Excel VBA Function Method API Windows Function User32.dll Alias Declare Library “ stuff for the VBA Application Input Box Method ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba...x-method-excel ), ( and possibly the VBA Input Box Function ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba...utbox-function )
Possibly, they use the same “ Excel VBA Function Method API Windows Function User32.dll Alias Declare Library “ thingy. I don’t know
I have also asked the question in this Windows Forum here http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewforum.php?f=18 , as maybe it is a Windows thingy . But I am mainly interested in using those API Windows Function User32.dll Declare Library Alias thingys as they apply to Excel VBA Methods and Functions.
P.s. If anyone knows what it is that I am talking about, could they possibly explain it to me in simple terms what that is.
My guess is that I am talking about …….a “Declaring” code line that gives my code access to a set of standard programs shipped with Windows that are available for use in various things, such as Excel, Word, Access etc…