Hi guys, I tired to upload this as a .dotm file but its not allowed on this website.

Dim X As New EventClassModule

Sub Register_Event_Handler()
 Set X.App = Word.Application
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub

Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub
Class Modules:
Public WithEvents App As Word.Application
'Private Sub App_DocumentBeforeSave _
'() ' (ByVal Doc As Document, _
' SaveAsUI As Boolean, _
' Cancel As Boolean)
' Dim intResponse As Integer
' intResponse = MsgBox("Do you really want to " _
' & "save the document?", _
' vbYesNo)
' If intResponse = vbNo Then Cancel = True
'End Sub

Private Sub App_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal Doc As Document, SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
'Sub TitleWithoutExtensionsVersionAutomatic()
'Version1, requires to be ran manually
'Allows FieldCode "Title" to be used through the document without the extension or directory being displayed.

'Insert > Text > Quick Parts > Fields... > "Title" will reflect the named document without the extension

'FieldCode "FileName" typically is used but may or may not show the extension, depending on Explorer Settings.

Dim str01 As String                             'Text to call "Title" property
Dim Str02 As String                             'User Imput for the directory folder separators
Dim DocProp01 As DocumentProperty               '
Dim Long01 As Long, Long02 As Long              'Position of the "." and the "\"
Str02 = "\"                                     'UserImput for the Folder Separator, if not found defaults to "/", and then "\"
'Determines where to cut the FullName strings, and creates it.
str01 = ActiveDocument.FullName
Long01 = InStrRev(str01, ".", -1, vbTextCompare)
Long02 = InStrRev(str01, Str02, -1, vbTextCompare)
    'if User Separator not found, uses "/" and then "\"
    If Long02 = 0 Then
    Long02 = InStrRev(str01, "/", -1, vbTextCompare)
        If Long02 = 0 Then
            Long02 = InStrRev(str01, "\", -1, vbTextCompare)
        End If
    End If
'If cannot find any folder separators, stops function
If Long02 = 0 Then
    GoTo line1:
End If

Long02 = Long02 + 1
str01 = Mid(str01, Long02, Long01 - Long02)
'Goes through and renames the Title property to the filename (without directory, without extension)
For Each DocProp01 In ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties
If DocProp01.Name = "Title" Then
    Debug.Print DocProp01.Value
DocProp01.Value = str01
End If
Next DocProp01
'Updates all fields and saves
End Sub
The above code works for Word documents, if it is in the template document. However I want to be able have the modules/class modules/this document within the document that I am currently working on without being attached to the template.
I am unable to make the document save changes when I have made changes to the document properties. I really want to be able to edit the document properities.

I also interested in getting the same thing but for excel.

Thanks guys,