Hello. I run this macro and the result is that after Christmas is calculated, output continues on through with cells(7,1) through cells(12,1) containing the Christmas value (date). When I don't use a named range and use purely cell reference (.Range("B2")), the extra output doesn't occur. Does anyone know why this is happening when I use named ranges and offset? Much thanks!
Public Sub CurrentYear_Holiday()
Dim Year
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Sheets(msSHEET_LST)   
    Year = wb.Sheets(msSHEET_KEY).Range("D2").value 'version year of workbook 
        With ws
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",1,1)" 'new year day
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(1, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",3,29.56+0.979*MOD(204-11*MOD(" & Year & ",19),30) - WEEKDAY(DATE(" & Year & ",3,28.56+0.979*MOD(204-11*MOD(" & Year & ",19),30))))" 'easter
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(2, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",6,1)-WEEKDAY(DATE(" & Year & ",6,6))" 'memorial day
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(3, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",7,4)"  'independence day
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(4, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",9,1)+CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(" & Year & ",9,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2)" 'labor day
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(5, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",11,1)+21+CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(" & Year & ",11,1)),4,3,2,1,0,6,5)" 'thanksgiving day
            .Range("Holiday").Offset(6, 1) = "=DATE(" & Year & ",12,25)" 'christmas day
        End With
End Sub