Hello ImadEdd,

This macro will return the UNC for a mapped drive. You can use this to return the UNC for the drive on your computer. You can then create a loop in your macro to test if any mapped drives on the user's computer match. Both macros can be copied to the same module.

Macro to return UNC Path of a Mapped Drive
Option Explicit

' Written:  October 02, 2018
' Author:   Leith Ross
' Summary:  Returns the path of a mapped drive using the drive letter.

Private Declare PtrSafe Function WNetGetConnection Lib "Mpr.dll" Alias "WNetGetConnectionA" (ByVal lpLocalName As String, ByVal lpRemoteName As String, ByRef lpnLength) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function StrLen Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long

Function GetMappedPath(ByVal DriveLetter As String) As String

    Dim Buffer  As String
    Dim BuffLen As Long
    Dim ret     As Long
        BuffLen = 260
        Buffer = String(BuffLen, Chr(0))
        DriveLetter = IIf(Right(DriveLetter, 1) <> ":", DriveLetter & ":", DriveLetter)
        ret = WNetGetConnection(DriveLetter, Buffer, BuffLen)
        GetMappedPath = Left(Buffer, StrLen(Buffer))
End Function
Loop to check User's Computer for Same Path
Sub PathTest()

    Dim Id      As Long
    Dim Match   As String
    Dim MyPath  As String
    Dim Path    As String
        ' // Hard coded path for drive Z on my computer.
        MyPath = "\\Epsona8dfdc\memorycard"
        ' // Check letters E through Z for a match.
        For Id = 69 To 90
            Path = GetMappedPath(Chr(Id))
            If Path = MyPath Then
                Match = Path
            End If
        Next Id
        ' // Exit if no match was found.
        If Match = "" Then
            MsgBox "No Matching Mapped Drive was Found.", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub