I wanted to develop an application of drawing numbering system

What I want is:

1. Option Buttons on form will be created dynamically:
[enter image description here][1]

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Pf1Z6.png

2. But all the options will be created at once.
a. if user clicks Standard in first option button then the PART4_BC will be given as option.

3. But the part of the program:
Private Sub OptionButton_Click()
On Error Resume Next
CallByName UFParent, OptionButton.Parent.Name & "OptionButton_Click", VbMethod
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox OptionButton.Name
End Sub

is running 3 times.

Can any one help why?

Objective of the application:

1. to create an dynamic option list taking D4:AA17
2. Capture the name of the option buttons clicked.
3. The list may vary - that is why I wanted to build the list dynamically.

If user presses:
a. The Standard option button then the text box will become inactive with an value of 000
b. If user presses PB/ Spare then the text box below will accept 4 digit

the Part3 list will be shown.

****I wanted to access the option buttons via its groupname - as the list may vary in no of items
Please help