I have been using a macro for awhile and it works except I‘m need help a small change to what cells get deleted in only one specific column. If someone could kindly assist.
Using the sample Excel sheet image I uploaded, my macro currently deletes cells in the following columns B,C and D. For only the cell range A20:A34 I would like the macro to only delete cells in the B column. The rest of the marco is perfect as it is.
That’s it. hanks in advance for your help.

Sub do_it()

Dim sht As Worksheet, n As String, cell, num, tmp, rngDest As Range, i As Integer
Set sht = ActiveSheet
n = sht.Range("A1").Value
i = 0
For Each cell In sht.Range("A20:A34,D20:D34,H20:H34").Cells
tmp = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
If cell.Value = n And tmp Like "*#-#*" Then

'get the first number
num = CLng(Trim(Split(tmp, "-")(0)))

'find the next empty cell in the appropriate row
Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)

'make sure not to add before col J
If rngDest.Column < 12 Then Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, 12)
cell.Offset(0, 1).Copy rngDest

' This is getting the next number in A/D/H----
Set tmp = cell.Offset(1, 0)

' This is filling up B17 - F18 in order until filled
If sht.Range("B17").Value = "" Then
sht.Range("C17").Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
sht.Range("B17").Value = tmp.Value
ElseIf sht.Range("C18").Value = "" Then
sht.Range("C18").Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
sht.Range("B18").Value = tmp.Value
ElseIf sht.Range("E17").Value = "" Then
sht.Range("E17").Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
sht.Range("D17").Value = tmp.Value
ElseIf sht.Range("E18").Value = "" Then
sht.Range("E18").Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
sht.Range("D18").Value = tmp.Value
End If
'---- This clears the B/EFG/IJK columns after using the value ----
Dim rg As Range, rg1 As Range
 If cell.Column = 1 Then cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = ""
 If cell.Column > 1 Then Set rg1 = cell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, 3)
End If
Next cell
‘If Not rg Is Nothing Then rg.ClearContents 'will be delete column b,c
'If Not rg1 Is Nothing Then rg1.ClearContents 'will be delete column e,f,g,i,j 
End Sub