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Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

  1. #1
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    Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

    Hello - I have code (below) that grabs values present in specific cells in .CSV files in the folder designated in my 'BkLogDir' variable and writes them a designated number of columns over to the right in the Active Worksheet (I believe). However, I need to the code to be adjusted to write the values extracted from those targeted .CSV files to a particular Worksheet of the active Workbook. Being only partially familiar with VBA code in general, I'm not even seeing where my current code knows which Worksheet to write to (unless, as I said earlier, it is just writing to the active Worksheet). How do I adjust the code to write to a particular Worksheet in the active Workbook?

    Thank you!

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  2. #2
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    Re: Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

    Something like this, maybe (Note that Sh. has been added in 4 places, before certain range objects)

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    Bernie Deitrick
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  3. #3
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    Re: Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

    Thank you for the above code - very helpful! At first, I thought it had errors, but the more I've tested it, the more I'm convinced that I think I've run into an issue with using Microsoft OneDrive. I've researched it pretty extensively, and it seems to be a problem sometimes referring to OneDrive folders via VBA code that hasn't quite been solved as far as I can see. When I run your code on test files in my 'C:\' drive, your code works just fine - I get '#REF!' errors instead of the values I'm targeting when I run the same code referring tot files on OneDrive.

    I'd love to keep my solution on OneDrive as it is properly backed up by my corporate network, as everything developed on my 'C:\' drive is vulnerable to a computer crash, power surge, etc. I've tried using the Environment variable (Environ("UserProfile")), but it does not solve the problem. Has anyone been able to successfully navigate issues writing VBA code against OneDrive files stored in MS Onedrive?

    Thank you!

  4. #4
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    Re: Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

    I have no experience using OneDrive other than to share files. You might want to start a new thread - nobody will see your last question as it is.

  5. #5
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    Re: Code to write target cell values to cells in a specific Worksheet?

    Yes - was definitely thinking that same thing. Thank you for the response!

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