Hi Guys,

I have the following code in my WB where after 10 minutes the sheet saves and closes. (prevent someone locking us all out of it in error) Every second the cursor does a little flicker. Is ther a "non flicker" code like the screen updating code I have seen before to stop this happening, also if so where should I put it?

Thanks in advance.

Option Explicit
Public bGblInhibitTimers As Boolean
Public RunWhen          As Double
Public RunStatusBarWhen As Double
Public Const NUM_MINUTES = 10
Public Const NUM_SECONDS = 0
Public Sub StopTimers()
   'This is used for debugging purposes to shut down the timers

   bGblInhibitTimers = True
   On Error Resume Next
   Application.OnTime RunWhen, "SaveAndClose", , False
   Application.OnTime RunStatusBarWhen, "TimeTilExitTimer", , False
   On Error GoTo 0

   Application.StatusBar = "Timers stopped by StopTimers()."

End Sub
Public Sub SaveAndClose()

   'Tell the time remaining timer to stop
   bGblInhibitTimers = True

   On Error Resume Next
   Application.OnTime RunStatusBarWhen, "TimeTilExitTimer", , False
   On Error GoTo 0
   'Debug.Print "bGblInhibitTimers = true in SaveAndClose() at " & Now

   'Return control of the Status Bar to Excel
   Application.StatusBar = ""
   Application.StatusBar = False
   Sheets("Splash").Visible = xlSheetVisible
   Dim ws               As Worksheet
   For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
      If ws.Name <> "Splash" Then ws.Visible = xlVeryHidden
   Next ws
   ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub
Sub TestTime()
   RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, NUM_MINUTES, NUM_SECONDS)
   Debug.Print Format(RunWhen, "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM")
End Sub
Sub TimeTilExitTimer()
   'This displays a time until exit message

   Const SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400#

   Dim sMessage         As String
   Dim ySecondsTimeToExit As Double
   Dim yMinutes         As Double
   Dim ySeconds         As Double

   Dim myTime           As Date

   'Get the current date and time
   myTime = Now()

   'Calculate the number of seconds remaining to shut down
   ySecondsTimeToExit = SECONDS_PER_DAY * (RunWhen - myTime)

   'Check for Integrity Error - RunWhen = 0
   'Should Never Happen - Shut Down the refresh timer
   If ySecondsTimeToExit < 0 Then
      bGblInhibitTimers = True
      Application.StatusBar = "Software Integrity Error - Time Remaining Display discontinued."
   End If

   If ySecondsTimeToExit <= 99 Then
      sMessage = "Program will time out and exit in " & Format(ySecondsTimeToExit, "0") & " Seconds."
      yMinutes = Int(ySecondsTimeToExit / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)
      ySeconds = Int(ySecondsTimeToExit - 60 * yMinutes)
      If yMinutes > 0 And ySeconds >= 60 Then
         yMinutes = yMinutes + 1
         ySeconds = ySeconds - 60
      End If

      sMessage = "Program will time out and exit at " & Format(RunWhen, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM") & " in " & _
                 Format(yMinutes, "0") & " Minutes " & Format(ySeconds, "0") & " Seconds."
   End If

   If bGblInhibitTimers = True Then
      'Return control of the Status Bar to Excel
      Application.StatusBar = ""
      Application.StatusBar = False
      'Debug.Print "bGblInhibitTimers = true in TimeTilExitTimer() at " & Now

      Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
      Application.StatusBar = sMessage

      RunStatusBarWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, STATUS_BAR_REFRESH_TIME_IN_SECONDS)
      Application.OnTime RunStatusBarWhen, "TimeTilExitTimer", , True
      'Debug.Print "bGblInhibitTimers = false in TimeTilExitTimer() at " & Now
   End If

End Sub