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Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

  1. #1
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    Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    My goal: Loop through a table, increasing row by i. When matching value is found, put value of BCX & i into a textbox called dest1. If BCX and i is empty, then BCW and i is used.
    My problem: I have textboxes dest1 to dest15. When dest1 is populated from the table, then I want the next match to use dest2, and so on.
    I tried the code below that I found, but I keep getting an error that closes Excel. The code looks very straight forward so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It worked just fine until I tried the dynamic textbox names.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a critical process to making my whole userform practical. Thank you. -Luke

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  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    No matter what problems might exist in code, a VBA error should never cause Excel to close. I don't see anything wrong with this code but all of the context is missing. How do you set lRow and tn? At what point does the error occur? Do you know how far it gets? I would try to identify the line causing the error by stepping through the code in the debugger. It would also help if you attach your file here with instructions for how to run your code and reproduce the error.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    Untested by maybe this:

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  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    6StringJazzer: lRow is the last row in my table. tn is a number that Im matching in the table. The code runs on initialize. It was working fine until I added the j loop to dynamically change the textbox name that receives the value from the table.

    Akuini: did not work.

    My error says that it cannot find the specified object. The textboxes are within 2 frames. The first frame is "outerframe". Within outerframe I have 15 different frames, each of them have the 15 different textboxes that I want to update. I tried the below code, but same error. Do I need to reference both frames, or just the frame that the textbox is in? Thanks. -Luke
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  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    You don’t need to reference the frame, what I was trying to say with the code I suggested is that your loop structure is wrong.
    Could you attach a sample workbook?

  6. #6
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    So, ummm, I figured out my own retardation but am too ashamed to admit what it was. Akuini, your code works just fine - thank you so much.

  7. #7
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    To be fair to those who have similar dumb issue, please name your controls what you aim to call them in your code.
    SMH, sorry for wasting anyone's time....

  8. #8
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    Re: Dynamic Textbox Naming Not Working

    You're welcome, glad to help, & thanks for the feedback.

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