The process is something like this :
Each time after a user click an item in the slicer,
there is a running code to write some text below the pivot-table grand total, as I use
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After clicking the item in the slicer,
if the total rows of the pivot table "shrink", I don't find a problem.
The problem exists when the total rows of the pivot table "grow"...
because the condition before there is a text below the grand total,
it give me an alert : "do you want to replace the contents of the destination cell in bla3x ?"

So far I've tried :
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Hoping that clicking the item in the slicer will trigger the "PivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges" first, then trigger the "PivotTableUpdate"...
But it doesn't work. It directly trigger the "PivotTableUpdate" without triggering the "PivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges" first.

I found this code in the internet to suppress the alert
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but then I don't know where to put the code as the "write some texts below grand total" runs via the slicer and then the private sub worksheet "PivotTableUpdate"

I wonder how do I solve this situation.
Any kind of respond would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advanced.