I'm working with a document of over 5000 rows of addresses, and I'm hoping to be able to use Tableau to map them and sort them. However, I only have addresses that I can't manually Google to get all the longitudes/latitudes. I have used a formula that automatically looks the addresses up and adds a link to Google Maps in the excel sheet. I'm hoping to extract the longitude/latitudes from that link. I think there must be a way to get the full link, in which longitudes/latitudes are embedded, and thus extract them, but I have no clue how. I've also tried to use, in Google Sheets, Geocode by Awesome Table, which works great but is limited to 1000 geocode searches a day (and my document is much larger than that, my deadline soon). Can anyone help me out?
For some reason, I can't attach the file (not even zipped), and I can't post anything with a link either, but I'll try in the responses.
Thanks so much in advance for your help!