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Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

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  1. #1
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    Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    I have some code that "expands / collapses" a page in a sheet. (Page #2 hides, or is viewable with a button click)
    It works fine, but when I print, or print preview, page #2 still shows / prints, as a blank page.
    I would want any "collapsed pages" not to print. Can someone help with this.
    I attached a sample sheet of what I'm doing.
    Excel 2016
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Hi there,

    You're displaying/hiding the required rows all right, but the manual (horizontal) PageBreaks are still there, and these are what give rise to the empty pages when printing.

    Your toggling routine also needs to insert/remove PageBreaks to avoid the empty pages - see if the following code does what you need:

    Option Explicit
    Const msPAGE_1  As String = "1:20"
    Const msPAGE_2  As String = "21:40"
    Const msPAGE_3  As String = "41:60"
    Sub TogglePage_1()
        Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_1)
    '   If the range being toggled is Page 1, then the PageBreak to be toggled is on Page 2
        If ActiveSheet.Range(msPAGE_1).EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
              Call PageBreakIsInserted(sPage:=msPAGE_2, bTrueorFalse:=False)
        Else: Call PageBreakIsInserted(sPage:=msPAGE_2, bTrueorFalse:=True)
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub TogglePage_2()
        Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_2)
    End Sub
    Sub TogglePage_3()
        Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_3)
    End Sub
    Private Sub TogglePage(sPage As String)
        Dim rPage   As Range
        Dim wks     As Worksheet
        Set wks = ActiveSheet
        With wks
            .Range(msPAGE_2).Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
            .Range(msPAGE_3).Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
            Set rPage = .Range(sPage)
        End With
        With rPage
            .EntireRow.Hidden = Not .EntireRow.Hidden
    '       Insert/remove a PageBreak only if this is NOT the first page
            If sPage <> msPAGE_1 Then
                If .EntireRow.Hidden = True And .Rows(1).Row > 1 Then
                      .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
                Else: .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
                End If
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub PageBreakIsInserted(sPage As String, bTrueorFalse As Boolean)
        With ActiveSheet.Range(sPage).Rows(1)
            If bTrueorFalse = True Then
                  .PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
            Else: .PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    The highlighted values may be altered to suit your requirements.

    Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M

  3. #3
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Thank you Greg. Yes this works fine, but when I altered the code for the "real sheet" (Adding pages)
    It does not work. I'm sure I am doing something wrong.
    The final code would be used to "expand / collapse" pages 4 through 30. (I can edit the code for lines collapsed).
    Would it be asking too much to have you do that code for me?
    Sorry, but I'm bad at coding.
    Regards / Richard

  4. #4
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Even if you could do a few more page, I can then see the differences, and then attempt to do it myself.
    Thanks Again.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Hi again Richard,

    Ok, thanks for your feedback.

    Two questions:

    You suggest that you'll need to be able to toggle Pages 4 - 30. It definitely makes life easier if you don't need to toggle Page 1 - can you confirm that this is the case?

    How to you intend to call the various toggling routines? Will you have a different button for each page? Will you call them from the Macro menu (Alt+F8)? Would it be useful to have a cell with a 4-30 dropdown list from which the number of the page to be toggled could be selected? Some other method?

    The answer to the second question will probably have a significant effect on the choice of the coding involved.


    Greg M

  6. #6
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Also, the "4-30 dropdown list" you mention is intriguing. (may be good). Is that something that could be on, say, page two.
    (I would not mind seeing a sample of what that would be like).
    The wookbook is a report of about 30 page, and sometimes I need a few "extra pages". (thus the toggled pages)
    There is also an "Index of pages"

  7. #7
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Yes, Pages 1-3 will not need to have toggles. Then there may be about 6 or 8 pages that have toggles to "open or collapse" them.
    The method of "toggling", I was thinging of just having a button, (just off the page on the lower right) to open and close.
    I attached a workbook here of what I'm thinking, take a look. Also note, I was able to edit your code a bit to change and add pages.
    It works ok with ONE EXCEPTION. Edited, I still have problems on some pages where the collapsed pages still show as "blank pages"
    when printed. (I'm sure i'm screwing up the code changes but take a look at it.)
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  8. #8
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Hi again Richard,

    Take a look at the attached workbook and see if it gets you moving in the right direction.

    The main worksheet contains ten page ranges, all of which are "collapsible" except for the first one.

    Page ranges are toggled by selecting a page number / page title from the dropdown list of a ComboBox located beside the first page range - having the page title available is probably a bit more intuitive than having to remember which page number refers to which information.

    The following code is inserted in the VBA CodeModule for the main worksheet:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub cmbPageNo_DropButtonClick()
        Dim vaDropdownList As Variant
        With Me.cmbPageNo
    '       If appropriate (i.e. if the dropdown list contains no items), populate the
    '       dropdown list of the Page No ComboBox
            If .ListCount = 0 Then
                vaDropdownList = gvaDropdownList()
                .List = vaDropdownList
                .ColumnWidths = "20, 90"
                .ColumnCount = 2
                .ListRows = 16
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbPageNo_Change()
    '   Proceed only if a value has been selected from the dropdown list
        If Me.cmbPageNo.Value <> vbNullString Then
            Call TogglePage(iPageNo:=Me.cmbPageNo.Value)
    '       Clear the currently-displayed value from the ComboBox - if this is not done,
    '       selecting that value again (to immediately re-toggle the worksheet) will not
    '       count as a Change event, and this routine will not be triggered
            Me.cmbPageNo.Value = vbNullString
        End If
    '   Move the focus away from the ComboBox
    End Sub
    and the following code in a standard VBA CodeModule:

    Option Explicit
    Const miROWS_PER_PAGE   As Integer = 20
    Const miFIRST_PAGE_NO   As Integer = 2      '   <<<<    The first "collapsible" worksheet
    Const miNO_OF_PAGES     As Integer = 9
    Public Function gvaDropdownList() As Variant
        Dim vaDropdownList As Variant
        ReDim vaDropdownList(1 To miNO_OF_PAGES, 1 To 2)
        vaDropdownList(1, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO, "00")
        vaDropdownList(2, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 1, "00")
        vaDropdownList(3, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 2, "00")
        vaDropdownList(4, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 3, "00")
        vaDropdownList(5, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 4, "00")
        vaDropdownList(6, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 5, "00")
        vaDropdownList(7, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 6, "00")
        vaDropdownList(8, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 7, "00")
        vaDropdownList(9, 1) = Format(miFIRST_PAGE_NO + 8, "00")
        vaDropdownList(1, 2) = "Names"
        vaDropdownList(2, 2) = "Addresses"
        vaDropdownList(3, 2) = "Departments"
        vaDropdownList(4, 2) = "Divisions"
        vaDropdownList(5, 2) = "Phone Nos"
        vaDropdownList(6, 2) = "Cities"
        vaDropdownList(7, 2) = "Budgets"
        vaDropdownList(8, 2) = "Expenses"
        vaDropdownList(9, 2) = "Incomes"
        gvaDropdownList = vaDropdownList
    End Function
    Private Function mvaPageRanges() As Variant
        Dim vaPageRanges    As Variant
        Dim iPageNo         As Integer
        Dim wks             As Worksheet
        ReDim vaPageRanges(miFIRST_PAGE_NO To (miFIRST_PAGE_NO + miNO_OF_PAGES - 1))
        Set wks = ActiveSheet
        With wks
            For iPageNo = LBound(vaPageRanges) To UBound(vaPageRanges)
                Set vaPageRanges(iPageNo) = Range(.Rows(miROWS_PER_PAGE * (iPageNo - 1) + 1), _
                                                  .Rows(miROWS_PER_PAGE * iPageNo))
            Next iPageNo
        End With
        mvaPageRanges = vaPageRanges
    End Function
    Public Sub TogglePage(iPageNo As Integer)
        Dim vaPageRanges    As Variant
        Dim vPageRange      As Variant
        vaPageRanges = mvaPageRanges()
        For Each vPageRange In vaPageRanges
            vPageRange.Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
        Next vPageRange
        With vaPageRanges(iPageNo)
            .EntireRow.Hidden = Not .EntireRow.Hidden
                If .EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
                      .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
                Else: .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
                End If
        End With
    End Sub
    The highlighted values may be altered to suit your requirements.

    Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M
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    Last edited by Greg M; 10-25-2019 at 11:42 AM. Reason: Typo corrected

  9. #9
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Wow, That's cool, but I dont think that will work for me in this report.

    If you would be so kind as to just edit your previous code, (below) so that I can "toggle / collapse"
    pages; 6, 9, 12, 17, 20, 21, 24, that would be a great help.
    Thanks again for all your help. (I have to learn more about coding!)

    Option Explicit


    Const msPAGE_1 As String = "1:20"
    Const msPAGE_2 As String = "21:40"
    Const msPAGE_3 As String = "41:60"


    Sub TogglePage_1()

    Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_1)

    ' If the range being toggled is Page 1, then the PageBreak to be toggled is on Page 2
    If ActiveSheet.Range(msPAGE_1).EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
    Call PageBreakIsInserted(sPage:=msPAGE_2, bTrueorFalse:=False)
    Else: Call PageBreakIsInserted(sPage:=msPAGE_2, bTrueorFalse:=True)
    End If

    End Sub


    Sub TogglePage_2()

    Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_2)

    End Sub


    Sub TogglePage_3()

    Call TogglePage(sPage:=msPAGE_3)

    End Sub


    Private Sub TogglePage(sPage As String)

    Dim rPage As Range
    Dim wks As Worksheet

    Set wks = ActiveSheet

    With wks

    .Range(msPAGE_2).Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
    .Range(msPAGE_3).Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual

    Set rPage = .Range(sPage)

    End With

    With rPage

    .EntireRow.Hidden = Not .EntireRow.Hidden

    ' Insert/remove a PageBreak only if this is NOT the first page
    If sPage <> msPAGE_1 Then

    If .EntireRow.Hidden = True And .Rows(1).Row > 1 Then
    .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
    Else: .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
    End If

    End If

    End With

    End Sub


    Private Sub PageBreakIsInserted(sPage As String, bTrueorFalse As Boolean)

    With ActiveSheet.Range(sPage).Rows(1)

    If bTrueorFalse = True Then
    .PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
    Else: .PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
    End If

    End With

    End Sub

  10. #10
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Collapsed Section / Hidden page, prints as a blank page

    Hi again,

    Ok, see if the attached version of the workbook does what you need.

    It uses the following code in the VBA CodeModule of the worksheet in question:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub cmbPageNo_DropButtonClick()
        Dim vaDropdownList As Variant
        With Me.cmbPageNo
    '       If appropriate (i.e. if the dropdown list contains no items),
    '       populate the dropdown list of the Page No ComboBox
            If .ListCount = 0 Then
                vaDropdownList = gvaPageDetails()
                .List = vaDropdownList
    '           Display only the Page No and Page Title in the dropdown list
                .ColumnWidths = "20, 90, 0"
                .ColumnCount = 3
                .ListRows = 16
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbPageNo_Change()
        Dim iPageNo As Integer
        With Me.cmbPageNo
    '       Proceed only if a value has been selected from the dropdown list
            If .Value <> vbNullString Then
                iPageNo = .ListIndex + 1
                Call TogglePage(iPageNo:=iPageNo)
    '           Clear the currently-displayed value from the ComboBox - if this is not done,
    '           selecting that value again (to immediately re-toggle the worksheet) will not
    '           count as a Change event, and this routine will not be triggered
                .ListIndex = -1
            End If
        End With
    '   Move the focus away from the ComboBox
    End Sub

    and the following code in a standard VBA CodeModule:

    Option Explicit
    Const miINDEX__RANGE    As Integer = 3
    Const miNO_OF_PAGES     As Integer = 7
    Public Function gvaPageDetails() As Variant
        Dim vaPageDetails   As Variant
        Dim wks             As Worksheet
        ReDim vaPageDetails(1 To miNO_OF_PAGES, 1 To 3)
    '   Page Numbers
        vaPageDetails(1, 1) = Format(6, "00")
        vaPageDetails(2, 1) = Format(9, "00")
        vaPageDetails(3, 1) = Format(12, "00")
        vaPageDetails(4, 1) = Format(17, "00")
        vaPageDetails(5, 1) = Format(20, "00")
        vaPageDetails(6, 1) = Format(21, "00")
        vaPageDetails(7, 1) = Format(24, "00")
    '   Page Titles
        vaPageDetails(1, 2) = "Names"
        vaPageDetails(2, 2) = "Addresses"
        vaPageDetails(3, 2) = "Departments"
        vaPageDetails(4, 2) = "Divisions"
        vaPageDetails(5, 2) = "Phone Nos"
        vaPageDetails(6, 2) = "Cities"
        vaPageDetails(7, 2) = "Budgets"
    '   Page Ranges
        Set wks = ActiveSheet
        With wks
            Set vaPageDetails(1, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("101:120")
            Set vaPageDetails(2, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("161:180")
            Set vaPageDetails(3, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("221:240")
            Set vaPageDetails(4, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("321:340")
            Set vaPageDetails(5, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("381:400")
            Set vaPageDetails(6, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("401:420")
            Set vaPageDetails(7, miINDEX__RANGE) = .Range("461:480")
        End With
        gvaPageDetails = vaPageDetails
    End Function
    Public Sub TogglePage(iPageNo As Integer)
        Dim vaPageDetails   As Variant
        Dim rPageRange      As Range
        vaPageDetails = gvaPageDetails()
        Call ResetPageBreaksIfAppropriate(vaPageDetails:=vaPageDetails)
        Set rPageRange = vaPageDetails(iPageNo, miINDEX__RANGE)
        With rPageRange
            .EntireRow.Hidden = Not .EntireRow.Hidden
                If .EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
                      .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone
                Else: .Rows(1).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
                End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub ResetPageBreaksIfAppropriate(vaPageDetails As Variant)
        Dim rPageRange  As Range
        Dim iPageNo     As Integer
        vaPageDetails = gvaPageDetails()
        For iPageNo = 1 To UBound(vaPageDetails, 1)
            Set rPageRange = vaPageDetails(iPageNo, miINDEX__RANGE)
            With rPageRange.Rows(1).EntireRow
                If .Hidden = False Then
                    .PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
                End If
            End With
        Next iPageNo
    End Sub
    The highlighted values may be altered to suit your requirements.

    Hope this helps - as before, please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M
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    Last edited by Greg M; 10-29-2019 at 08:24 AM. Reason: Typo corrected

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